You know what’s worse than a Monday? A bad one!
I know all Mondays are just horrible, but sometimes you might be lucky enough to make it through the day without any major incidents to remind you how much you hate Mondays! And trust me I am an expert in bad Mondays…
The only way I know how to sweeten somehow the Monday blues is by cooking 🙂 It also works with all the others weekdays blues we have when waiting for the weekend!
I like to call Monday “the leftovers day”. Quite easy to guess why, right? After a weekend full of indulgence and lots and lots of leftovers (although we are quite a small family of three + 1 awesome dog) it’s time to whip up something vegan/vegetarian (#meatlessmonday – something for my daughter to look forward to) by using all the leftovers – something that makes me and my husband very happy!
We hate to waste food the main reason being (even if it sounds like a cliché but that’s the true) that in a 21 century people are still starving. And the second: we do save some serious money! You should try it (if you are not already doing this) and let me know how this goes.
Talking about wasting food I always buy big cans of corn. Probably because it’s cheaper and every time, but absolutely every time I say that this time I really need the whole can. Ha ha ha, never happens and I always end up with at least half can of unused corn…
But since I came up with this recipe “Tex Mex vegan corn cakes” I solved the problem. Also any other leftovers like fried, boiled or baked potatoes, peas or any other vegetables are not a problem anymore.
This recipe is all about the right texture with the right seasoning! I like to blitz up my corn in 2 different textures. Chunky bits, chunky smooth and I am also using whole kernels.
Food processor on. Except the bread crumbs and the seasoning everything goes in. I cannot imagine something simpler than that. Like I said I like to play with the texture and the crunchiness, so I blitz the corn differently. But you can just make it all crunchy or all crunchy smooth. Please avoid the baby food consistency. It’s just gross… sorry, but it really is!
When you have the right consistency put everything in a bowl, add the chunky corn, whole corn kernels and the 2 tbs bread crumbs. Season with salt, pepper and the tex-mex spices.
Leave it in the fridge for 15 minutes.
Form the patties, coat them with the bread crumbs and flour mix (you can add some smoked paprika or Mexican spices) and cook patties over medium heat in vegetable oil until golden brown, about 4 minutes per side. You can also bake them, but to be honest everything that’s fried it’s tastier J
Serve them with a beautiful tasty salad and if just vegetarian with an amazing super tasty tangy sour cream, avocado and jalapenos sauce! This sauce is so delicious that I could eat it just spread on bread.
Lovely stuff! Wicked flavour. Simply enjoy and use your leftovers!
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