For those who know me, this recipe is not a surprise! Actually, I think it’s a little strange that I am posting this recipe so late!
It’s one of my favorite. It has smoked salmon, dill, onion and cheese! What’s not to be liked? And it’s a very versatile recipe! You can use it especially when you have guests! It’s perfect for appetizers and finger food and for all those moments when you must have something to impress your guests. And not only. My daughter loves it. With toast, as a dip with your chip of choice, served on fresh cucumbers slices, it just makes a perfect, easy and healthy spread!
If you need something fancy for a family get together or another special moment you can fill some half lemons with this spread, decorate with anchovies and trust me, you will impress everyone! It’s purely delight!
Smoked salmon works perfectly with onion and dill! There are a lot of recipes, but I think the best one is the one you make it after your taste! I prefer to use more onion and dill, and I am not using never ever pepper!
But hey, who am I to tell you that pepper is out of its place here! the most important is how you serve it! Just use your imagination and never be afraid to experiment!